Oooh... I'm so thrilled when my fellow crafter mba Fitri from Griya Hobi Fitriaa surprised me with this wonderful award:
Thank you so so much mba Fitri... kiss kiss hug hug... :)
accepting this award, i am asked to do the following:
1. thank and link to the person who awarded me this award.
2. share 8 things about myself.
3. pay it forward to 8 bloggers that i have recently discovered.
4. contact those blogger and tell them about their awards.
Now... lets see 8 things about myself... Hmmmm...
1. My family is my number one priority...
2. I love to eat... almost anything... from sweet to savoury, from East to West, from raw to well done... (no wonder it's so hard for me to loose weight :(...
3. But... I can't really cook... :P
4. I love shabby, rustic and sometimes raw-industrial-style thing...
5. But... doesn't mean that I like things dirty... :) I'm almost hygiene freak...
6. I love love love crime TV series (with lots of blood in it): Dexter, CSI, Bones, etc.
7. I sleep really late...
8. I'm not cool at all, I'm emotional...
And... I'm so happy to share this award to my beloved bloggers:
1. Toscaberries
2. Akush Abam
3. Tamimi
4. Myria Rafiz
5. Shizuoka
6. Polaku
7. Ndandut
8. Kandhitarechta
Nothing beats the great feeling of sharing... :D
Note: also big thanks for Tarlen from Design by Vitarlenology & Puri from Ideku Handmade for passing the same award to me... Love you Tarlen & Puri.. :)
hehehe selamat ya.. aku juga meneruskan award ini padamu.. bisa di cek di sini:
ReplyDeleteWow... makasih ya Tarlen... sebenernya mau terusin ke Tarlen juga... tapi Tarlen pasti udah bosen dapet puluhan award yah... :)
ReplyDeletewahh award pertamaku ..makasihh...:)
ReplyDeleteSama-2 Nad... Sukses yah... Berharap dapet giveawaynya... *wink*
ReplyDeletewow my first award! makasih mosesa! semoga jadi rajin update blog...hihihihi.....
ReplyDeleteShizu... iya dong... pajang semua hasil rajutannya yg cakep-2 itu... :)
ReplyDeletewah selamat mbak atas awardnya...
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ya dari jogja ;D
Salam kenal juga mba Sari... Aku udah liat blognya... hasil karyanya keren-keren banget mba... Udah aku follow juga ya... :)
ReplyDeleteselamat ya mbaaaa.... and thankyu so much!!!:)
ReplyDeleteMakasih banyak ya mba Tia untuk awardnya
ReplyDeleteSama-2 Regina & Uty... :) Smoga blognya makin sukses...
ReplyDeletembaaakkk... aku jg kasih blog iniii lohh..
ReplyDeletewah dobel gpp yaaa :D *winkwink*
please check this out :)
have a good day. smoochies :*
Wow 3x for 3 awards!!! Thanks Puri..... :)
ReplyDeletetanteeee..aku baru bacaa..trima kasi banyak ya awardnyaaa..terharu bgt ni aku..huhuhu..